Religious Tolerance versus Tolerance of Religion: A Critique of the Cartoon Controversy in Jyllands-Posten

by: Shanti Kumar / University of Texas at Austin
Given this diversity of viewpoints in Islam, what prompted the cultural editor of Jyllands-Posten to marginalize the tolerant views of a majority of religious believers in the editorial commentary that, ironically enough, claims to rescue traditions of tolerance from the clutches of “some Muslims” who are intolerant extremists?

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Rating the Runway: Project Runway and New York Fashion Week

by: Moya Luckett / New York University
Project Runway is an example of how recent reality television shows rely on viewer responses to help construct the narrative. the show maintains a distinct textual presence while they advocate viewer participation, play with the idea of permeable and non-permeable textual boundaries and highlight the different ways in which we can access ‘the real world.’

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