Editorial team

Below is a list of the editorial staff members working to publish the current volume (27) during the 2020-2021 academic calendar year. Managing Editors Maggie Steinhauer Nathan Rossi Senior Editors Laura Brown Ash D’Harcourt Paxton Haven Andy Fischer Wright Brett Siegel Social Media Manager Laura Springman Column Editors Haden Edmonds Eric Forthun Lily Kunda Maria Skouras Jackson Wright Ryan Briggs […]

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Comments & Fair Use Policies

Flow encourages public discussion via comments in the provided space following our content. However, we reserve the right to delete comments that are abusive, libelous, slanderous, or spam. Flow supports the right of our contributors to include illustrations from and to quote from the media texts and paratexts they analyze in the journal for 
purposes of criticism or comment, as […]

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How to Contribute to the Journal: 1) Submit or pitch an article to Over*Flow Flow formally invites contributions to our new space for responses to breaking TV and media news: Over*Flow. This new feature allows time-sensitive, one-off pieces to be published on our homepage alongside our monthly columns. For more information, check out the CFP. 2) Become a columnist To be […]

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