La semiótica de la televisión en América Latina: problemáticas y perspectivas metodológicas

by: Alfredo Cid Jurado / Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Mexico City
El futuro de la semiótica aplicada a la televisión latinoamericana, y cómo puede responder a las demandas sobre el estudio profundo del rol social que juega la televisión en el mundo de habla hispana. / The future of semiotics and the study of Latin American Television, and the ways it may respond to the demands for a deeper study of the social role that television plays in the Spanish speaking world.

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Região, Raça, e Clase Social: Recepcão de TV na Salvador, Bahia

by: Joe Straubhaar / University of Texas at Austin
O mito de democrácia racial no Brasil posiciona o pensamento crítico sobre os textos de televisão em termos de classe, mas entrevistas em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil, mostra uma tendência entre algumas pessoas de pensar em termos raciais e criticos. / A widespread myth of racial democracy in Brazil tends to position critical thinking about television texts in terms of class, but interviews in Salvador, Bahia show an emerging tendency among some to think in more critical racial terms.

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Stripping (Part 2)

by: Daniel Marcus / Goucher College
How does stripping popular series for syndication affect the how viewers receive actors, subplots, and secondary characters? In the final installment of his two-part series on stripping, Marcus explores the impact of syndication practices and raises some interesting questions about how cable channels and DVD technology alter how we watch TV.

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